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19.10.2004. / Izdanje 466DRAMA IN THE CENTRE OF ZAGREBAbduction of Gotovina's children preventedIt was learned only days ago that a group of Serbian criminals from Belgrade had been sent to Zagreb in June with the task of abducting general's children
Piše: Ivo Pukanić
Only several days ago was the drama made known which had happened on Friday 4 June in the centre of Zagreb. At the last moment, a kidnapping of the children of fugitive general Ante Gotovina was prevented. This kidnapping was supposed to be executed by a group of Serbian criminals from Belgrade. The goal of this carefully prepared action was simple: to blackmail the general with his kidnapped children and to force him to turn himself in to the Hague Tribunal. General Ante Gotovina has two children in Croatia. His daughter Ana was born in 1994 in Gotovina’s wartime relationship with Vesna Karuza, a reporter for Croatian Television, who reported from the field. His son Ante was born in 1997 in his marriage to Dunja Zloić, a HV Colonel, whom the general met as the secretary and person of greatest trust of late Minister Gojko Šušak. As the result of the very good...